How to Make the Most Efficient Use of Your Wood Fired Hot Tub

Wood fired hot tubs are really the best way to engage with the elements of nature. The heat of fire & the sound of crackling logs is something that you can spend hours appreciating.

We are certain you’ve the knowledge of taking great care of the fire, but just to ensure you are utilizing the heater of the wood burning hot tub most efficiently, lets us share some tips on how to heat a wood fired hot tubs.

Prepare The Firewood Beforehand:

It is recommended to get ready the firewood for your wood burning hot tubs beforehand: make some kindling, cut fine firewood, and then have your bigger woods ready. Ensure you are using dry firewood to steer clear of a heap of smoking wood. Combine softwood with hardwood in equal quantity.

Check Your Wood Fired Hot Tub’s Water Level:

You must not kindle the heater when tub is unfilled, or the water isn’t reaching the minimum fill level below the top ridge of the tub.

Similarly, you must not vacant the tub after your bathing is over when the embers are still live in the heater!

As soon as the water reaches the requisite level and you deactivate it, put the lid on the tub so the water heats quickly.

Start Off With Tinder & Kindling:

You may make use of some ready firelighters, but steer clear of burning paper as its ashes & chips are expected to get out through the tub’s chimney and into the water. Make use of softwood for building the fire.

Burn Medium-Sized Water to Heat The Water:

If you simply mound big firewood as soon as you’ve the fire igniting, it’ll take longer to heat the water in your hot tub.

Maintain the Heat Placing:

As soon as you’ve the water heated up to the suggested 37 to 39 degree Celsius, sustain the heat by placing some large firewood in the heater. At this stage use more hardwood as it’ll burn longer.

Check The Temperature:

In the event the water gets extremely hot, open your tub’s lid, and you can also add some cold water to make the temperature comfortable for your body.

Here at Northern Lights, we have a range of wood fired hot tubs to choose from, assuring you will find just the perfect thing. Whether you are looking for a smaller unit or something larger, we’ve a mix of wood burning hot tub units with internal and external heaters. Contact us now if you have any difficulty in choosing the right model for your needs.