Frequently Asked Questions About Wood Fired Hot Tubs

A wood burning hot tub reminds us of the days when there was no electricity or access to natural gas. Most hot tub perfectionists like the blissful experience of soaking themselves in a hot tub that’s heated through burning wood. If you are one of them, it’s still quite feasible to buy wood fired hot tubs from manufacturers like Northern Lights.

Using a wood burning hot tub needs a little more labour than using gas or electric heaters, but the basic principles remain the same. We can say it is a healthy replacement of all the hot tub options out there.

Here in this post we have discussed some of the most frequently asked questions about wood fired hot tubs. So, let’s find out what are they:

How do Wood Burning Hot Tubs Work?

Gravity is the main element that allows for efficient water heating. Warm water flows in the upward direction whereas cold water gets down. This water movement remains steady when employing a wood-burning hot tub. The temperature rotation is continuous when we use a wood-fired hot tub.

How long does the water take to heat up?

This relies upon the burner & tub size alongside the temperature of the water employed to full the tub and the weather condition. However, it usually takes two to three hours to heat the water to the required temperature. You can regulate the temperature simply by controlling the quantity of wood added & the air supply to the heater.

How to keep your tub clean?

Wash your tub carefully and often to maintain cleanliness and hygiene. Use a hose pipe or high pressure hose to drain the water and wash down the surfaces.

The use of wood burning hot tubs is usually different to other kinds of hot tubs out there as users tend to fill the tub, make use of it two to three times, and then sewer the water. Because of this temporary use there’s absolutely no need for chemicals which is quite beneficial for folks who are looking for chemical-free hot tub experience.

What kind of fuel can you use?

Always follow manufacturers’ instructions for this. Use only logs or dry firewood. Steer clear of using other solid fuel

How often do I need to change the water?

For domestic purposes we recommend changing water after every 2-3 uses. However, we recommend daily change of water in the event it’s used by more than one person. If you wish to leave the water in for a long time then it is suggested installing a filtration unit.